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Cara membuat:
Kocok putih telur hingga kaku, masukkan tepung ketan, gula halus, dan baking powder. Aduk rata hingga adonan tidak lengket di tangan dan bisa dibentuk. Jika masih terlalu lunak, tambahkan tepung, uleni agak lama. Pulungi bulat-bulat kecil atau sesuai selera. Letakkan di loyang yang sudah diolesi entega, panggang dengan api sedang (180 derajat celcius) selama kurang lebih 20 menit sampai matang dan berwarna kecokelatan.
Kue kecik banyak dijual di kota-kota Jawa tengah, khususnya di Purwokerto.
Makes approximately 200 gr
Beat the egg and sugar until creamy white, then add the flour and the baking powder. Mix well until the dough is not sticky to the touch and is shap[able. If it is still too soft, add flour and knead for a little while longer. Roll into small balls or according to taste. Place on a greased cookie tin. Bake them at medium heat (160 degree - 180 c) for about 20 minutes until brownish.
This snack is sold in towns all over Central Java, but especially in Purwokerto.
- Feed her Sugar....# ;